Monday, November 26, 2012

Committee Spotlight: Holiday Market


Editor's note: Considering a leadership position for next year? Unsure what committee you want to be a part of? We'll spotlight each of the committees in upcoming weeks to give you an inside look and help you make the best decision. The first installment takes a look at a new committee this year, the Holiday Market. Laurie Simon explains what's it like to be part of our exciting new fundraiser. 

The best part of the Holiday market is... The best part about being on Holiday Market has been helping to shape an exciting and promising new fundraising event. The charge to do this (and do it well!) has helped energize our efforts and create a wonderful sense of camaraderie among committee members. Plus, we are planning a SHOPPING event around the HOLIDAYS. Is there a more perfect project for a group of JLJ women to take on?   

Members who join this committee should be prepared to... do a TON of work! Holiday Market is labor intensive but incredibly rewarding. Align yourself with a placement you are passionate about and throw everything into. And prepare yourself to become a promotional mouthpiece. 

Members would be surprised to know... We are all friends! Before this placement started I knew some of the members casually, through other JLJ events. But our time together on Holiday Market committee has created some true and lasting friendships. It has been a privilege and joy to work with a such a thoughtful, talented and dedicated group of women who united in a common goal to advance our League.

Through this placement, our committee has learned... that lots of other Leagues coordinate a similar event. We had a lot of fun reaching out to some of them to learn about best practices. For many of them, the financial return on this event is absolutely astonishing. If we do Holiday Market right, we could secure SIGNIFICANT income for our current operations and begin thinking about some exciting new initiatives to advance our mission.  

Members should consider joining this committee because... the signature member outfit is black and pearls! Kidding. Holiday Market Committee offers a fantastic variety of placements that allow our members to really align their skills/passions with a important League objective. That, coupled with a healthy dash of holiday flavor, makes this one of the best League placements today.

Interested in becoming chair of Holiday Market? Fill out the online leadership form on our website here.

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