Friday, April 6, 2012

Junior Leaguers on the Run!

Spring has sprung and Jacksonville Junior Leaguers have been busy... running! Check out the great photos from our members who have participated in road races over the past few months.

Julie Merten (far right) and Natalie Taylor (far left) are pictured here with a friend after completing the 26.2 With Donna half marathon on Sunday, Feb. 12. The annual event, based in Jacksonville, is the nation's only marathon dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research and support.

Looking good (but maybe a little cold?), ladies!

Julie is a New Member of the League this year, and Natalie currently serves on the First Year Active commitee.

Blake Barkoskie finished her first ever Gate River Run in March. Way to go! Blake is pictured at left, smiling at the finish line between her "Running Buddies."

Blake currently serves as chair of the Placement Committee and is a member of the Community Research and Project Development (CRPD) Committee.

On Sunday, March 18, Elizabeth Green completed the New York City Half Marathon. She ran in 2:14:35, shaving 6 minutes off of her previous half marathon ...

Which she ran just 5 weeks earlier -- The 26.2 With Donna: The National Marathon to Finish Breast Cancer in Jacksonville, Florida. Way to go, Elizabeth!

This past year Elizabeth has served on the Membership Enrichment and Training Committee as well as the Nominating Committee.

Kathy Waller participated in the Tinkerbell Half Marathon at Disneyland in California on Sunday, January 29.

"I love running and organized a girlfriends' getaway to run a half marathon," says Kathy. "I figured I'd have some fun with my friends and get the side benefit of a little training plan to keep me in shape!"

She says she was "completely starstruck" when she ran into movie star Sean Astin at the finish line.

Kathy serves as secretary of Junior League of Jacksonville's 2011-2012 Board. Learn more about Kathy by re-visiting her board member profile!

Jaime Haskin completed a relay in the 26.2 With Donna: The National Marathon to Finish Breast Cancer on Sunday, February 12. Jaime says she had a great time, and didn't let the record-setting cold temps of the day dampen her spirits!

Jaime is part of the first-ever Junior League of Jacksonville Spring New Member class.

Katrine Strickland completed the 35th Annual Gate River Run on Saturday, March 10. She didn't set any records, but was running for two! Congratulations to you and your (soon-to-be-bigger) family, Katrine!

The Gate took place in downtown Jacksonville and attracted more than 17,000 participants. It is currently the largest 15K race in the US.

Katrine currently serves on Junior League of Jacksonville's 2011-2012 Done-In-A-Day (DIAD) Committee.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dig A Little Deeper: The Shannon Miller Foundation

Join thousands from the community for the Shannon Miller Lifestyle Women’s 5K and 1 Mile Children’s Fun Run on Saturday, April 7th! Visit race vendors and enjoy a community health fair with free health screenings. Bring the whole family for a day of health and fitness at the Jacksonville Landing; fitness, community and plenty of fun. Register Today!

Saturday April 7th, 2012
Children’s 1 Mile Fun Run: 8:00 a.m.; Women’s 5K Run/Walk: 8:30 a.m.
Place: The Jacksonville Landing

Proceeds from the race benefit the
Shannon Miller Foundation to fight childhood obesity. The Foundation works with programs in our community that encourage children to become more physically active, provides nutrition training in local schools and advocates for healthy lifestyle choices. It is founded by Shannon Miller, 7-time Olympic Medalist, Jacksonville resident, cancer survivor and mother.

The Shannon Miller Foundation's mission is an important one that is close to the Junior League of Jacksonville's heart. Many of our members are looking forward to volunteering at the Shannon Miller Lifestyle event on Saturday, April 7th.

"It is shaping up to be a record breaking year, and we are so excited to have the Junior League involved with our event!" says Jackie Culver, Executive Director, Shannon Miller Foundation. "We are so grateful to the Junior League for all of the work they do in our community.”