Sunday, August 28, 2011

Board Member Profile: Margaret Sacks

Age or Birthday: April 29

Resides In: Ortega

Family Details: Husband Jon, daughter Mattie (2)

Pets: Bauer, 80 pound lapdog

Hometown: Lancaster, Virginia

Current Board Position: President - Elect

College and Major: University of Virginia, English and History; University of Florida, MBA

Professional Details: Director of Marketing at Episcopal School of Jacksonville

Community Involvement: Women’s Board for Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital

Member of JLJ since: The land before time

Why did you join JLJ? My grandmother was very involved in the Junior League and I always admired her. She was president of her League. That was important to me, taking a leadership role to help the organization so we can help the community. I also wanted to meet women who felt like I did about making a difference in Jacksonville, and I wanted to help kids.

What is Your Goal for this year? To learn what is important to League members so I can work on that while being President.

What has been your most rewarding moment in JLJ? Doing a snacktivity at Annie R Morgan with KITK. We made bagels, which were pretty much all those kids got to eat for lunch that day, and I asked one little boy why he wasn’t eating and he said he was bringing his bagel home to his grandmother so she could eat it. I still cry when I talk about that moment.

What has surprised you most about your time with JLJ? The amount of dedication and time busy women with jobs, families, other responsibilities are willing to spend helping others. The amount of work our organization accomplishes in a year always astounds me, and I am amazed at the women who are a part of it and willing to give so much to it.

What has been your favorite placement? Why? I’d have to say being on the CARES committee and working with the kids at Annie R. Morgan every weekend. It became my Saturday morning for a whole year, and it was very fulfilling to see the difference we could make.

How have you been able to use skills you learned in JLJ in your everyday life? I’ve learned how important it is that instead of complaining, you should spend your time fixing the problem. I’ve also learned leadership skills, consensus building skills, and time management, as well as the importance of collaboration.

Give us a reason why you would encourage other women to join JLJ: You will have opportunities for skill building that you can use throughout the rest of your life, whether that’s for other volunteer organizations or at work. And you’ll probably get to serve in a leadership role before you might get those opportunities in a business world. I also think having a network of women friends who feel the same way you do about community service is important – it is perpetuating and strengthening. You start to feel that no matter what the problem is, you have the skills and network needed to tackle it, and that you can pretty much accomplish anything!

How do you think JLJ most helps the community? I think the League most helps the community by the training we provide our members, the opportunities they have to volunteer and work with other organizations will then be useful throughout the Jacksonville community, whether they are at work, on another non-profit board, or just volunteering. I think an organization that empowers women provides resources that create a ripple effect (affect?) throughout the community. The volunteer time we put into the organizations we serve is immensely important, but providing women who care and know how to get things done is as important, in my mind.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dig a Little Deeper: Shindig for the Sanctuary

The Junior League of Jacksonville partners with the Sanctuary on 8th Street for Kids in the Kitchen programming. Now, members have an opportunity to help out with the 2011 SHINDIG for the Sanctuary - annual fundraising event.

The Committee is looking for volunteers to help two shifts on Friday, September 16th

11:00am - 2:00pm - 5-7 volunteers to help with set-up
5:30pm - 8:30pm
- 5-7 volunteers to help with registration, silent auction, etc.

Interested in helping out? Call